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This is a collage of the three movies. On the Left in Fellowship of the Ring, The center is Two Towers, and The Right is Return of the King. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is kind of a movie poster. In my opinion it is a very good picture for it has the title the main component and it a map of middle Earth. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a desktop background of the Black Speech on the Ring. I really enjoy these images because the are wonderfully made. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is another desktop back ground, but this one contains the silhouettes of the Fellowship during the first part of the quest. This is a slightly grainy background but it is still a great picture. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a fan made picture of Gandalf using his wizardry to fight evil. I really like this picture because it uses colors of light not of darkness. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a really cool picture that I believe is also fan made. It shows the illuminated firy script on the ring while it is sitting on a burlap map of Middle Earth. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a cool picture of Gandlaf and Pippin riding on the Pelanor fields right before reaching Minas Tirth. This is a image for Return of the King. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is not a picture from Lord of th eRings but from the Hobbit. It is taken from Desolation of Smaug, the second movie in the Hobbit trilogy, it shows Smaug talking to Bilbo while Bilbo is looking for the Arkenstone. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is taken from the scene where the Fellowship is in Moria and Gandalf confronts a Balrog. This is one of my favourite scenes in the trilogy so you will see some more of it later. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a picture of an event horizon opening on a Stargate. Stargate is my favourite Sci-Fi show. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a GIF of Gandalf attacking the Balrog while falling. This is chronologically the same scene as the one in Fellowship so I still consider it my favourite scene even though it is from the next movie. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a GIF of the Balrog cracking its wip in Gandalfs face after Gandalf destroyed his sword. This takes place right before they fall into the abyss. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |
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This is a GIF of the Balrog roaring. This happens near the beginning of the fight scene. Click HERE to see the exact place I got this picture. |